What is a Career Education Program?
A Career Education Program in an online public high school that helps students earn both a high school diploma and career certification. Career Education Programs provide students with the workforce readiness skills they need to be successful after graduation. Students can earn career certification in high-demand fields and be ready to enter the workforce immediately after graduation.
What is career education?
What was once known as “vocational education” is now referred to as career education, career technical education (CTE), career academies, or career readiness education. Career education programs prepare students for jobs in high-demand fields such as business, health care, the food industry, hospitality, and security. Career education programs also equip students with the real-world skills they need to make a successful transition to life after graduation.
What is the advantage to career education programs?
The biggest advantage to career education programs is that they prepare students for life after high school. Whether they want to go to college, join the military, or enter the workforce, career education programs provide the skills and training students need to be successful. In addition, students who are enrolled in career education programs tend to be more successful than their non-career academy peers. That’s because when students are able to pursue their interests and career goals, they are more motivated, engaged, and more likely to graduate.
How are you different?
We focus on at-risk youth and credit-deficient, emerging-dropout students. We specialize in reaching vulnerable, high-promise young adults in independent living, migrant education, and transitional living programs. We offer a variety of learning solutions to meet the needs of agencies promoting youth development and their transition to independence.
How do you accomplish this?
Our comprehensive case management services provide the social and emotional support that students and their families need to overcome the life challenges that can inhibit academic success. We provide wrap-around services, onsite case managers, teachers, academic coaches, and tutors. Research-based Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), Trauma Informed Practices, and Social Emotional Learning (SEL) preparation is essential for case managers. Student and family engagement are integral components of our programs.
What are your graduation and attendance rates?
On average, 84% of our students graduate, with an average 3.21 student GPA. Our average attendance participation rate is 74%, including 35% female student participants and 65% male student participants. 71% of graduates who were surveyed answered “strongly agree” when asked if our multi-tiered support services played a significant role in earning a diploma.
How long does it take to complete the program?
Students can earn a high school diploma and career certification in as little as 9 months.
Is the program free?
Yes. Diploma Access Academy is a tuition-free online public high school.
How is the program paid for?
The cost of the program is typically offset by ADA/LCAP increases generated by improved student attendance. Districts can potentially recapture attendance funding for students who have dropped out. Student success results in positive reporting outcomes with no net cost for districts using our innovative funding solutions. As a shared accountability partner, we only succeed when your students succeed.
Will students receive a computer?
Yes. Every student enrolled in Diploma Access Academy will receive a new laptop computer.
Will students receive a high school diploma?
Yes. Students who graduate from Diploma Access Academy will receive their high school diploma.
Will students earn a career certification?
Yes. In addition to a high school diploma, students will also graduate with career certification in a high-demand field.
Is the program accredited?
Yes. Diplomas are awarded through our exclusive partnership with Smart Horizons Career Online Education. Smart Horizons Career Online Education is fully accredited as an online school district by the AdvancED Accreditation Commission. AdvancED provides nationally recognized accreditation for school districts and individual schools and represents 27,000 public and private schools and districts across the United States and in 65 countries worldwide, educating 15 million students.
When do classes meet?
Students have 24/7 access to their course materials, allowing them the flexibility they need to complete their courses anytime, anywhere.
How do students contact their teachers?
Students can contact their teachers, tutors, coaches, and case managers during class or by email, text, and instant messaging. Students should check with their mentors for their preferred communication methods.
How do you help students prepare for life after high school?
We equip students with the essential real-world skills they need to successfully transition to life after graduation. These skills are also referred to as social skills, soft skills, transferable skills, interpersonal skills, soft skills, and professional skills. Activities and programs include, but are not limited to, help with education, employment, financial management, housing, emotional support and assured connections to caring adults for older youth in foster care. Students will develop skills in collaboration, communication, problem solving, creative thinking, and leadership.
Will students be able to attend a graduation ceremony?
Yes. Each Diploma Access Academy holds graduation ceremonies.